7 Myths About the Mortgage Loan Process20200914051200

7 Myths About the Mortgage Loan Process

September 14, 20200
Getting a mortgage isn’t something you do on a regular basis. So, whether you’re a first-time buyer or you’ve applied for mortgages multiple times, it...
Is a Fixed-Rate Mortgage Your Best Choice?20200905015500

Is a Fixed-Rate Mortgage Your Best Choice?

September 5, 20200
One of the most important decisions you’ll make when you buy a house is how you will finance that purchase. Most home buyers can’t pay cash for a hous...
Title Insurance vs House Insurance: Do you need both?20200901033600

Title Insurance vs House Insurance: Do you need both?

September 1, 20200
Let’s tackle one of the most common questions when it comes to the home buying process: title insurance vs. homeowners insurance. If you’r...
9 Negotiation Tactics When Buying a Home20200827032500

9 Negotiation Tactics When Buying a Home

August 27, 20200
Buying a home can be an exciting milestone to reach in life. But if you’re also a bit intimidated–especially at the idea of negotiating wi...
Which States Require a Real Estate Attorney20200820034900

Which States Require a Real Estate Attorney

August 20, 20200
Buying a house is a big deal. That’s not just because you’re going to be living there for a while, but also because this investment is likely the most...
Listing Agent vs. Selling Agent: What’s the difference?20200817012300

Listing Agent vs. Selling Agent: What’s the difference?

August 17, 20200
It’s time to buy a new home! The question is, do you need an agent to help you find the perfect space? And if so, what type of agent do you hire...
What Are the Different Types of Mortgages?20200813065300

What Are the Different Types of Mortgages?

August 13, 20200
Buying a home involves more than just choosing a house. Not only do you have choices to make with real estate agents, neighborhoods, lenders, and hous...
Is Now a Good Time to Purchase a Home?20200807144315

Is Now a Good Time to Purchase a Home?

August 7, 20200
Is now a good time to buy a home? Excellent question. You’re probably not going to like the answer though: Maybe. For some home buyers, now is a...
Key Takeaways from Real Estate NOW20200730135813

Key Takeaways from Real Estate NOW

July 30, 20200
“Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.” – Albert Einstein On July 23rd, 2020 LemonBrew hosted our first ever virtual conference...
How to Save Money for a Down Payment20200724013400

How to Save Money for a Down Payment

July 24, 20200
Many people don’t know how to save money for a down payment. It can seem like an impossible task. But if you do some up-front planning and follow some...